LVL★UP Academy
Next Level Training For Your Exceptional Team
LVL★UP Academy is a first-of-its-kind eLearning platform specific to mountain resort operations that delivers the latest in key industry generally accepted practices, principles and concepts, as well as an evaluative component (testing) to assess comprehension and provide a benchmark of training that will document each employee’s successful completion of the course.
We are mountain resort industry leaders in risk management and operations serving resorts worldwide, with a combined 60+ years of experience in risk management, mountain operations, terrain parks, employee training, generally accepted industry practices and principles, business development and action sports. We serve on the National Ski Areas Association’s (NSAA) Risk Management Committee, the ASTM F-27.70 Freestyle Terrain Jump Feature Committee and the NSAA Freestyle Terrain Resources Working Group.
Our goal is to support the advancement and growth of mountain resort staff and management, as well as to enhance the business of mountain resorts. We do so by supporting the passion of all those involved (both work and play) in our mountain action sports community.
Subscription Pricing & Courses

Mark St. J. Petrozzi
AlpenRisk Safety Advisors
“We know that consistently delivering the latest in-depth training content results in more effective and efficient onboarding of new employees, creates a more highly-educated work force, improves professional development opportunities for employees and ultimately reduces risk”

Michael L. Bettera
Effective Edge
“In developing the interactive training courses, we knew it was imperative that the sessions not simply consist of an often boring PowerPoint presentation uploaded to an e-Learning platform. To keep people engaged and help them develop a passion for our industry, they need to feel like they’re part of something bigger”


Thank You to Our Partner
Chill is a positive youth development program where boardsports become a vehicle for empowerment. Revolving around a core value-driven curriculum, Chill programs consist of experiential learning activities, reflection, and discussion, paired with boardsport lessons.
LVL Up Academy believes in fostering the youth to run our resorts in the future. We donate our courses to the Chill Graduate program so the youth of today see the opportunity for growth in our resort industry.